2022 Report: Addressing Teacher Retention | Rhodes Branding

Identifying Why Educators Leave and What Administrators Can Do to Help

This report includes insights compiled from more than a dozen interviews with school and district leaders, former teachers, coaches, and consultants, as well as data from various surveys and studies on the state of the teaching profession.

This report provides an overview of the three reasons most consistently cited by teachers when they choose to exit their jobs or the profession as a whole, as well as a description of the top things teachers want more of — along with the burdens they’d like decreased. 


In a Spring 2022 RAND survey, 34 percent of teachers reported an intention to leave their job at the end of the year.

“As far as what I'm seeing and hearing, when I'm talking to teachers across the country, teachers are tired, they're retiring as soon as they can, they're leaving as soon as they can."

- Amelia Leighton Gamel, Compassionate Teaching Reset